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Can't blame NAEP results on COVID

Beginning many years before COVID, nearly 50% of all U.S. high school graduates failed to achieve minimum NAEP proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The same tragedy is true for high school graduates today. 50% (or a percent or so worse) are unable to read, write, or do math at NAEP proficiency. But at long last there is hope, a 501(c)(3) innovation. With your $10 help the HSE4Metrics social media app will seek to be tested.

Without the HSe social media app, students who CAN read and do math NONETHELESS  leave much of their natural potential untapped throughout their K-12 years. 

Question: Do the other top industrial nations look at the U.S. K-12 public school system as the best in the world or one of the world’s worst?


Pre-Covid could not read


Post-Covid could not read

Parents’ HSe4Metrics social media app involvement includes both the family and external annual operations.

Within a family, parents will have the HSe social media app for their toddlers years BEFORE K-12

Within a family, parents and children will have the HSe web app from a child’s infancy until high school graduation.

Within a family, with oversight by parents, the HSe web app will help young people excel far beyond grade-level performance.

Outside their families, since 2000, parents have been working with aspects of the HSe web app.

One sponsor will be accepted.

P&G is merely an example (click this link) of 100s of top-ranking corporations eligible to apply.

Please donate to help the 501(c)(3) HSe4Metrics hire a temporary presentation team. The team will interview corporations to sponsor the HSe4Metrics social media app. 

Please review this 501(c)(3) website. Donate to HELP HIRE an all-star "presentation team" of skilled consultants and a nationally ranked law firm.

Federal and state regulations: HSe4Metrics and this limited fundraising campaign are subject to the 501(c)(3) regulations of the IRC and the SCC.

Pro bono. At no charge, a national law firm (well within the top 100) is doing the nonprofit 501(c)(3) HSe4Metrics conversion. 

Donate. Then sit back and enjoy the EXCITEMENT as the presentation team gets to work.

True innovation and staggering societal impact are critical to advance society.

Just the opposite of staggering impact, as explained by the great Jamie Dimon, is slow, plodding, incremental change. (Note NAEP results as evidence of that, despite the U.S. K-12 system and its teachers being the best in the world.) 

Review this nonprofit 501(C)(3) website offering the FREE-ACCESS HSe social media app solution.

If you feel that the cause is reasonable and the purpose is good, please donate $10 to help hire a presentation team. The initial fundraising goal is $700,000. This website will show the progress.

This website invites the GENERAL PUBLIC to participate in a limited fundraising campaign to move the HSe4Metrics web app forward. 

Every Child Deserves a Strong Socioeconomic Future.

Stop here and donate  . . . or continue enjoying this site and donate! The purpose of your donation is to hire a presentation team. Enjoy the site as often as you can. Donate as many times as you like!

DRAFT ONLY: Once the limited fundraising campaign begins, donation results might be displayed as follows.

Hey! We've raised $144,030 of the $0 we are trying to raise for this campaign!